Who We Are
Professional Sourcing Experts
Many sourcing companies only utilize internet research to locate factories. This practice would place your company's business with a factory based solely on a website visit and an email. Acquisition Services understands there is great risk in this approach. We use factories that we have personally visited and identified through our established vetting process.
Representatives from our US office travel to Asia at least twice a year to meet with factory owners and management. In addition, sourcing agents in Taipei, Taiwan, Guangzhou and Taizhou, China, and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam travel to factories regularly throughout the year on behalf of our clients.
Larry Self, President
Mr. Self has over 20 years of sourcing experience. He is a designated Certified Purchasing Manager (C.P.M.). Mr. Self’s experiences include professional sourcing roles with Boeing Aircraft Company (13 years) and Koch Industries, Inc. (5 years) prior to forming Acquisition Services, LLC.
Eric Self, Customer Account Manager
Mr. Self is a highly motivated and organized account management professional. Mr. Self obtained a Bachelor's degree focused in Marketing & Strategic Sales with a Minor in Economics from Kansas State University. Mr. Self previously served as Sr. Customer Account Manager at Textron Aviation (6 years) prior to joining Acquisition Services, LLC.